Save Tooting Track!


As many of you will have seen the future of Tooting Bec Track is currently subject to speculation which may involve it either being taken over by a staff trust, an outside contractor or in the very worst case scenario close down. Our understanding is that the later in unlikely and we have a meeting with Council officers shortly to confirm the situation.

The local MP has started a petition against the possible closing down which we would urge everyone you know to sign!

Please sign the petition

He is also arranging a photo shoot this Sunday (9th November) at 1.40pm at the track to show support for the track as below:

Please come along, tell friends etc so we can show to the Council & the local community that there is support for the track!

We will of course report back to the membership once we have some firm news but repeat at the moment this is very speculative.

Steve Bosley
Hon Gen Secretary