President’s Reflections November 2020

Along with many others, I am hugely disappointed we have entered another national lockdown, until 2 December 2020.  Our governing body England Athletics aligned with the equivalent bodies for cycling and triathlon, lobbied Government in the hope it may compromise on small group training, but to no avail. 
From today we must as a Club operate under the new guidance which is at:

Essentially this allows athletes to ‘train with your household or one other person in a public outdoor space.  1:1 coaching can take place in a public outdoor space following social distancing measures and virtual training sessions can be delivered by qualified coaches’ 

If you are a student, please do check the guidance that applies to universities, as there is some nuancing for example in relation to elite athletes.   

The opportunity to train with one other person is an important concession, for our general wellbeing and, for some, from a safety point of view.   

We will though as a Club continue to do all we can to support members, and I am already aware of innovative approaches by our coaches.  Do please take the time to touch base with your coach, they will be missing the opportunity to be with you all and it is essential we are there for each other. 

We are continuing with the Club AGM albeit it will be via zoom this year.  This is an excellent opportunity to hear about the Club’s activities, its operations and to elect next year’s officials. We encourage members to take part: 7.30pm, 25th November 2020.  Please email

Many of you will be aware that our international sprinter, Kristal Awuah, undertook an interview with members of our Race and Inclusivity Group, during October, Black History Month.  The interview gives a superb insight to Kristal’s journey, and for those who have not yet seen it I strongly recommend it at:

I was delighted, just prior to lockdown, that we were able to host a further open meeting on 31st October 2020, this time majoring on middle distance events.  It attracted 220 athletes and generated extremely positive feedback.  I am most grateful to the officials from our own Club but also others who have ensured we have been able to offer opportunities to compete over the summer period and into the autumn.   

Finally, today, if you are out there training, please wear your Club vest and tag our Instagram site-please see  If you are not on Instagram you can what’s app Angus Butler on 07468768898.   

We are one Club, and proud to be wearing our red and black and supporting each other. 

Keith Newton, President, Herne Hill Harriers