Minutes of AGM



Present  :  Glen Keegan, Keith Newton, Nigel Stone, Geoff Jerwood, Jak Stegner, Sarah Allen, Cindy Godwin, Jess Winfield, Nigel Goodwin, Garth Francis, Jon Appleton, Tony Mayhew, Mick Lee (EA representative) 

Announcements and apologies  

Club President Glen Keegan welcomed everyone to the Annual General meeting    

Apologies for absence were received from  Mandy Merron, John Gebbels, Anthony Soalla Bell, and Andrew Simms   

There were no announcements.  All reports had been distributed prior to the meeting for reading and a synopsis of the report was given  

Perception Survey  

The results of the EA perception survey amongst club members was given by Mick Lee of England Athletics and discussed at the meeting. A more detailed appraisal will be given  

Gilbert Anderson and Peter Phillips, members of the Diversity and Inclusion Working Group attended via zoom, along with  Emma Hurst of EA and Cindy Godwin for the D & I team to provide background into the report.        

During the discussion Glen asked how the results of the survey will be published, he suggested a PDF on the club website or in his monthly newsletter.  To be discussed further at next Executive Committee meeting.   

Ratification of and matters arising from the minutes of the 2021 Annual General Meeting   

The 2021 AGM minutes were distributed at the meeting. The minutes were agreed to be a correct record of the meeting  

Financial report for year ending 31st March  2022  

In Mandy Brown’s absence Steve Bosley presented a financial report for the past year indicating that the club had made an operational loss on the previous year up to 31st March 2022, however this was affected by covid lockdowns and restricted activities and the club’s finances remained in a healthy position.  The accounts had been checked and were approved by Mark White were in the process of being audited.   Sarah Allen proposed and Jak Stegner seconded and the meeting agreed to accept the report. It was raised whether a summary could be put on the club website or in a newsletter given the need to increase engagement with the membership.  

 Mandy was thanked for her work as treasurer during the past year in maintaining the club accounts  

Presentation of reports   

Hon Gen Secretary  

Steve Bosley presented the report  Sarah Allen proposed and Geoff Jerwood seconded the report.      Steve was thanked for his work as secretary in the past year.  

Young Athletes Track and Field & cross country report  

Steve Bosley presented the report    Sarah Allen  proposed and Mandy Brown seconded the report, the meeting agreed to accept the report.  

Mens track and field report  

Geoff Jerwood presented the report which was proposed by Sarah Allen & seconded by Jak Stegner. 

Womens Track and Field report  

Steve Bosley presented the report which was proposed by Sarah Allen and seconded by Geoff Jerwood.   

Mens and womens Road Running and Cross country report  

Geoff Jerwood presented the mens and womens  reports  accepted by Sarah Allen & Keith Newton.    

Veterans report  

In Waldy Pauzers absence there was no veterans report available.  

Life Membership to Keith Newton and Waldy Pauzers  

Life membership was awarded to Keith Newton and Waldy Pauzers in recognition of their service and commitment over a long period for Herne Hill Harriers.  Both had been club Presidents and been involved in the funding for recent development of Tooting Bec track. Nigel Stone and Glen Keegan introduced Keith Newton’s achievements and Keith was  present to accept his award certificate.   Waldy Pauzers was out of the country and a suitable date would be arranged to present his award.  

Election of Club Officials for 2022/23  

Steve Bosley advised the meeting that Glen Keegan had been invited by the club Executive to remain as the Club President for the next year.  

Vice Presidents    Eric Dol, Mike Boyle,  Mandy Brown, Anthony Soalla Bell,  Cindy Godwin and Jess Winfield  were elected as vice presidents as only six vice presidents had accepted their nominations there was no need for a vote.  

Hon Gen Secretary   Steve Bosley     proposed by  Sarah Allen  seconded by Keith Newton    

Hon Treasurer       Mandy Brown      proposed by Sarah Allen  seconded by Nigel Stone   

Womens Track and Field Secretary   Steve Bosley, assisted by Jessica Winfield and Julia Wedmore 

Proposed by Keith Newton seconded by Sarah Allen  

Mens Track and Field Secretary    vacant   (covered by Steve Bosley) 

Young Athletes Track & Field Secretary   Steve Bosley  assisted by parents  proposed by Sarah Allen  seconded by Keith Newton   

Veterans Secretary     Waldy Pauzers      proposed by Sarah Allen seconder Keith Newton  

Membership and Subscriptions Secretary   vacant  (covered by Tom Conlon) 

Committee members    Tony Mayhew Garth Francis Ian Strong Sarah Allen  Nigel Goodwin   one more to be added   

Past Presidents en block    re-elected en bloc 

Life members en bloc        re-elected en block 

Any other business  :  there was no any other business  

Glen thanked everyone for attending and closed the meeting 

The meeting closed at 8.55  pm