Four wins from four matches as HHH men win Southern Vets Mid-London division and gain Ashford final qualification in style.
SV Men’s T&F Mid London Division Match 4 Perivale Athletics Stadium, Monday 13/07/15.
Herne Hill Veterans put in a dominant show for a 4th victory from the four divisional matches. During a well organised and sociable meeting Herne Hill reigned supreme demonstrating that morale and thirst for better is high and which now needs to be translated from ‘half meeting’ divisional victories to the full meeting schedule. We now need a committed larger squad and numbers to cover the full number of events and age groups at the Ashford final with all other divisional champions.
The Perivale meet began with High Jump, Javelin and 800m on the track. Even with Garry Power taking on the M50 high jump we got two firsts and full points in that event, with Brian Ray getting a double win with his follow on in the Javelin. With 1st, 2nd and 3rd in the javelin (Brian Ray, Garth Francis, Waldy Pauzers) and storming full point but one at 800m (Simon Coombes, Lloyd Collier, Gary Ironmonger, Mike Mann) for three firsts and a second we demonstrated we were not here without intent!
Great Long Jumping gave us two firsts at M50 and M60 (Kwei Sankofa and Allan Long) with Mark White essentially filling the M35 slot and doing very well for a first effort at the event. Allan showed his great commitment to come from the south coast and also did a brilliant non-scoring 200m which reflects his generosity and willingness to wear the Red and Black Hoops. He is a fine gentleman and example of what this club is all about. As is Kwei Sankofa, struggling with injuries, he still is ever consistent and more than committed which he showed to win his 200m, Long Jump and do a 100m relay leg in precarious state of fitness, (sort it, please, we need you at the final!)
And so the 200m sprint and Hammer events were to follow and did not disappoint us. It was fantastic to see Stuart Thurgood out representing us with a magnificent Hammer throw just 2cms short of 50 metres. Ever consistent Des Austin got another first in the M50 category. The 200m sprint yielded further high points, two firsts and two seconds (Giuseppe Minetti, Lloyd Collier, Kwei Sankofa and ever young Bob Fraser) which consequently was making HHH unassailable. Notably, Lloyd Collier has increased his successful competitive range from 200m to 3000m, which almost mimics Gary Ironmonger as the Mr. Versatility of the team, magnificent sprint debut (which he extended with a very effective 100m relay leg). And in amongst this Giuseppe put in a veteran personal best setting himself up for World Veterans Championships at Lyon. He has got better at every stage of the season and is looking impressive.
Now, the longest distance of 3000m, we gave HHH justice and pride to our Harriers namesake. Not quite the overload we expect but three firsts and one second in the scoring competition (Simon Coombes and Mike Mann ably doubling up, with wins also from both Robin Jones and Keith Newton) compensating for the low HHH attendance, a mere nine starters. Others racing non-scoring were Gary Ironmonger, Jon Key, Valdis Pauzers, Steve Knight and Tom Conlon whose 800m/3000m double clearly announced he is back properly racing on the track and fighting fit.
The 4 x 100m relay team of Kwei, Lloyd, Garth and Giuseppe, under the tutelage of Bob Fraser looked effectively competent. Second, but by a smaller margin and closer finish where we competed all the way, knowing Herne Hill had done their job but Serpies got a final rare first place.
Thanks to all our athletes, supporters and adjudicators for the effort and enthusiasm put in to get us to win the divisional league.
Now for the final, as the preliminaries are now over. Some time to go, but I need to stress that full numbers of athletes are required as the final is a full fixture, as opposed to the divisional half fixtures. We can win this, and be the best team in the south of England (once again). It is not unassailable but the squad has to have the numbers and desire to surmount this final pinnacle. Lets have a great day out at Ashford. Stay fit, focussed and confirm your availabilities for 6th September.
Best of luck to all those competing throughout the next 6 weeks. Especially for the BMAF and World Veterans Championships at nearby Lyon, France. You all will do us proud. But please follow your fitness through for our team final at Ashford, Kent.
Up the Hill,
Match Result: HHH 123, Serpentine 95, Hillingdon 86, Metros 46, Thames Valley H 44, British Airways 11
Valdis Pauzers,
Mens Vets Team Manager.
Events Results below:
Event Competitor Age category Club Performance
200m M35A
1 Graeme Harrison m40 SERP 23
2 Giuseppe Minetti m45 HHH 23.6
3 Steve Partridge m45 HILL 25.7
4 Greg Bennett m40 TVH 27.8
5 Mike Morris m45 METROS 32
1 Lloyd Collier m40 HHH 26.1
2 Jeremy Francis m35 SERP 26.8
3 Jeremy Francis m35 HILL 28.5
4 Rizwan Rauf m45 TVH 31.9
1 Kwei Sankofa m50 HHH 26.0
2 Mark Mulvenne m50 METROS 30.8
3 Andrew Maynard m50 SERP 31.1
4 Dave Martin m55 HILL 32.1
5 Eddie Giles m65 BA 34.5
6 Guy Bowles m50 TVH 43.9
200m M60
1 David Hinds m60 SERP 28.01
2 Bob Fraser m65 HHH 28.2
3 Mike Ransome m65 METROS 30.9
4 Roy White m65 HILL 32.2
5 Steve Hillier m60 BA 35.0
800m M35A
1 Simon Coombes m40 HHH 2.06.9
2 Andrew Mitchell m40 TVH 2.08.4
3 Martin Bateman m35 HILL 2.16.8
4 Mark Mulvenne m50 METROS 3.17.8
5 Ragab Ragab m35 SERP D/Q
1Roger Coyle m40 SERP 2.11.3 2 Lloyd Collier m35 HHH 2.14.9
3 Jeremy Collis m35 HILL 2.27.2
4 Paul Woodgate m40 TVH 2.33.1
1 Gary Ironmonger m50 HHH 2.12.9
2 Richard Jenkins m50 HILL 2.28.7
3 Guy Bowles m50 TVH 2.29.6
4 Andrew Maynard m50 SERP 2.29.9
5 Mike Ransome m65 METROS 3.04.7
1 Mike Mann m65 HHH 2.40.2
2 Andrew Roberts m60 SERP 2.46.0
3 Eddie Giles m65 BA 3.06.6
4 Martin Rogan m65 METROS 3.46.8
Competitor Age category Club Performance
3000m M35A
1 Simon Coombes m40 HHH 9.16.0
2 Andrew Reeves m45 SERP 9.37.8
3 Martin Bateman m35 HILL 9.38.1
4 Chistian Neilson m40 TVH 10.12.9
1 Robin Jones m40 HHH 9.43.8
2 Luke Palmer m35 SERP 9.58.2
3 Paul Hull m45 HILL 10.45.3
4 Paul Woodgate m40 TVH 10.53.4
M50 1 Keith Newton m50 HHH 9.49.5
2 Richard Hooley m50 TVH 11.00.2
3 Mike Stainton m50 SERP 11.00.5
4 Dave Smith m50 HILL 11.16.5
1 Andrew Roberts m60 SERP 11.22.6
2 Mike Mann m65 HHH 11.30.2
Club Performance
4 x 100m
1 SERP 49.9
2 HHH 51.4
3 HILL 53.4
4 TVH 59.1
5 METROS 64.7
Competitor Age category Club Performance
High Jump M35
1 Brian Ray m45 HHH 1.50
2 Vaughan Ramsey m40 HILL 1.45
3 Tom McKelvey m35 SERP 1.40
4 Andrew Mitchell m35 TVH 1.20
5 Michael Morris m45 METROS 1.10
1 Gary Power m50 HHH 1.20
2 Dave Martin m55 HILL 1.15
3 Mike Ransome m65 METROS 1.05
4 Andrew Maynard m50 SERP 0.85
Long Jump M35
1 Tom McKelvey m35 SERP 5.48
2 Vaughan Ramsey m40 HILL 5.21
3 Greg Bennett m40 TVH 4.16
4 Mark White m40 HHH 3.97
5 Mike Morris m45 METROS 3.24
1 Kwei Sankofa m50 HHH 4.06
2 Dave Martin m55 HILL 3.66
3 Michael Stainton m50 SERP 2.92
1 Allan Long m70 HHH 3.98
2 Roy White m65 HILL 3.47
3 Mike Ransome m65 METROS 3.47
4 Ashok Jamdagn m60 SERP 2.54
Competitor Age cat. Club Performance
1 Stuart Thurgood m35 HHH 49.98
2 Steve Thomson m50 HILL 17.81
3 Alex Malzer m35 SERP 16.21
4 Michael Morris m40 METROS 3.46
1 Des Austin m50 HHH 35.08
2 Keith Seldon m50 HILL 30.02
3 David Lipscomb m50 SERP 22.50
4 Steve Hillier m60 BA 19.47
5 Martin Rogan m65 METROS 8.18
Javelin M35
1 Brian Ray m45 HHH 36.71
2 Frank Womelsdorf m35 SERP 29.48
3 Greg Bennett m40 TVH 24.78
4 Steve Thomson m50 HILL 17.96
5 Mike Morris m45 METROS 9.55
1 Keith Seldon m50 HILL 35.80
2 Garth Francis m50 HHH 31.94
3 Ashok Jamdagni m60 SERP 10.99
4 Martin Rogan m65 METROS 6.08
1 Tony McGahan m60 SERP 24.39
2 Steve Hillier m60 BA 19.83
3 Valdis Pauzers m60 HHH 18.45
4 Bob Densley m60 HILL 18.23
5 Mike Ransome m65 METROS 9.94
Event Competitor Age cat Club Performance
200M Allan Long m70 HHH 29.9
200M Dave Robinson m35 SERP 27.6
200M Graham French m60 ESMAC 31.7
200M Roger Coyle m35 SERP 27.1
200M Andrew Mitchell m35 TVH 27.3
800M Mark White m40 HHH 2.24.1
800M William McAvock m35 SERP 2.28.8
800M Tom Conlon m35 HHH 2.13.7
800M Graham French m60 ESMAC 2.37.7
800M Angy Torrani m50 HILL 2.46.0
3000M Tom Conlon m35 HHH 9.37.0
3000M Gary Ironmonger m50 HHH 9.51.0
3000M Nicholas Schmitz m35 SERP 10.27.6
3000M Jon Key m40 HHH 10.37.0
3000M Valdis Pauzers m60 HHH 11.53.1
Javelin Roy White m65 HILL 27.57
Hammer Tony McGahan m60 SERP 19.5
Long jump Simon McKnight m35 SERP 4.42
Long jump Steve Partridge m45 HILL 5.52
High jump Dave Robinson m35 SERP 1.45