AGM Approved on 30th October 2019
1.0 NAME
The club is called Herne Hill Harriers.
2.1 The Club kit shall consist of a red and black hooped vest/top and black shorts.
2.2 Club kit shall be worn in all events in which a member competes as a representative of the Club.
2.3 An official Club badge positioned to appear in the middle (or to the left) of the chest may be worn on the vest.
The purposes of the Club are to promote the amateur sport of athletics and community participation in the same.
The executive committee consists of volunteers who represent the club. They act for, and on behalf of, the club.
4.1 Membership of the Club shall be open to anyone interested in the sport on application regardless of sex, age, disability, ethnicity, nationality, sexual orientation, religion or other beliefs.
4.2 The Club may have different classes of membership and subscription on a non-discriminatory and fair basis. The Club will keep subscriptions at levels that will not pose a significant obstacle to people participating.
4.3 Members participating in athletic competition shall be classified as active members and members not participating in athletic competition shall be classified as non-active members.
4.4 Only members over the age of 15 may hold office and vote at General Meetings.
5.1 Persons wishing to become a member of the Club must complete an application form for membership and forward it to the General Secretary or Membership Secretary with the appropriate initial subscription. The application shall be considered, and if thought fit, approved at the next meeting of the Executive Committee.
5.2 Provided that an application form for membership has been completed and the appropriate initial subscription paid, a person can also become a member by obtaining the written approval of not less than 6 members, one of whom must be a member of the Executive Committee or a team manager.
5.3 The election of any person in accordance with rule 5.2 shall be subject to ratification by the Executive Committee at its next meeting following their election, and the Executive Committee shall have the power to veto the election of any member in this way.
5.4 The Executive Committee may refuse membership, or remove it, only for good cause such as conduct or character likely to bring the Club or sport into disrepute. Appeal against refusal or removal may be made to the members and Executive, who will agree an independent adjudication to oversee the validity of any such appeal.
6.1 Once a person’s application for membership has been approved by the Executive Committee, they become a member of the Club and agree to be bound by these rules, club approved etiquette, codes of conduct and club charters. (Similarly, renewal of existing membership encompasses acceptance of any such revised club rules passed by AGM or EGM.)
6.2 As soon as a person is elected as a member, they must be given written confirmation of their election and be informed of these rules, publicly available on the club website. (Or a copy can be provided on written request to the membership secretary.)
7.1 The annual subscription payable by members within each different category is whatever sum the Executive Committee determines, and the Executive Committee may set different subscriptions for different categories on a non-discriminatory basis.
7.2 All annual subscriptions are payable by 1st April in each year without demand (except the first subscription of a new member as provided by rule 5) and any increase in the annual subscription shall take effect from 1st April in that year. (At the discretionary agreement in principle, part year membership subscription reductions can be agreed by the club executive on a non-discriminatory basis from November of each club subscription year.)
7.3 Where applicable, an active member will also pay to the club at cost for England Athletics registration, which will be administered by the club for the athlete.
7.4 Elected Members may be considered for ‘Hardship Funding Support’. Individuals may apply for this themselves or through their club coach or team manager. Such cases will be discreetly reviewed by provision of supporting evidence. Assessment of each case on an annual basis with a limited number of senior executive members and respective coach/team manager may provide support to an athlete in financial hardship on the proviso such funding does not stress the club’s financial circumstances.
8.1 If any member has not paid their annual subscription 3 months after it becomes due, the Membership Secretary shall write to them to draw their attention to the fact that their subscription remains outstanding and to request that it be paid immediately.
8.2 If any member’s subscription remains in arrears after 6 months, the Executive Committee may terminate their membership.
9.1 Life membership of the Club may be bestowed upon any individual who has been a member for at least 5 years and who has rendered exceptional and meritorious service to the Club.
9.2 Nominations for Life Membership must be discreetly proposed to the Executive Committee.
9.3 If the nomination is approved by the Executive Committee, that member shall be awarded Life Member at the next Annual General Meeting (“AGM”) of the Club or Executive approved Club award event.
9.4 Life Members elected by the Club Executive shall be presented with the Club certificate signed by the President, General Secretary, Treasurer and Club Captains attesting such election.
9.5 Life Members shall not be asked to pay an annual subscription.
10.1 Honours Membership of the Club may be bestowed upon any individual who has been a member for at least three years and who has contributed to the good reputation of the Club through outstanding athletic achievement by senior representation of their country or winning a senior national championship.
10.2 Nominations for Honours Membership must be proposed to the Executive Committee.
10.3 If the nomination is approved by the Executive Committee, that member shall be proposed as an Honours Member at the next AGM of the Club or Executive approved Club award event.
10.4 Honours Members shall not be asked to pay an annual subscription.
11.1 Club colours are a lifetime award granted to an individual in recognition of one of the following criteria: outstanding athletic achievement (See section 12, Elite Support Programme); meritorious service to the club as a volunteer over multiple years; outstanding attendance at club fixtures across multiple seasons.
11.2 Club colours for meritorious service should be discreetly proposed with supporting evidence to the Executive Committee, Club President, or Hon General Secretary, as appropriate.
11.3 If the nomination is approved by the Executive Committee, that member shall be awarded club colours at the next club AGM or Executive approved Club award event. This decision will be made at the full discretion of the committee.
11.4 Only a maximum of two individuals will be awarded meritorious service club colours per annum.
11.5 Members attaining meritorious service club colours will remain liable for the annual subscription, as applicable.
11.6 Where individuals have achieved the criteria for inclusion into the Elite Support Programme, these criteria will govern the awarding of Colours.
12.1 The club’s purpose is to promote the amateur sport of athletics. As such, the club supports those of its existing athletes who are competing at an elite level in the sport of track and field (including cross-country, road running and race-walking).
12.2 The club therefore waives the membership fee and England Athletics membership fee for any member of more than one year’s standing who has achieved the following standards of performance in the prior calendar year and is enlisted in the club’s Elite Support Programme.
12.3 Junior athletes (IAAF age groups of U20 and below) will be eligible if they have achieved the international qualifying standard for either the IAAF/World Athletics World U20 Championships or the European Athletics Junior Championships (or equivalent regional championship). The club colours qualifying standard will be the less rigorous time, distance or height from either the previous or next championship.
12.4 Junior athletes will also be eligible if they have qualified for either the European Junior or World Junior Cross-Country Championships in the prior year.
12.5 Senior athletes will be eligible if they have achieved the international qualifying standard for the Olympics, IAAF World Athletics championships, European Championships or Commonwealth Games but remain ineligible for Club Honours. The qualifying standard will be the less rigorous time, distance or height from either the previous or next championship.
12.6 Masters athletes will also be able to qualify via a WAVA rating comparison. Male veterans will need to have achieved a performance WAVA rating of 90.0% or higher. Female veterans will need to have achieved a performance WAVA rating of 85.0% or higher.
12.7 Exceptionally the Executive Committee may consider applications for other performances related to athletics but it is to be noted that such claims will be subject to a higher level of scrutiny and should be of open international standard as a minimum (e.g. age-group performances/titles are not sufficient). These sports ‘related to athletics’ include triathlon and other multi-sport activities, mountain or ultra-running, orienteering etc. Proposals should be discreetly made to the Executive Committee.
12.8 Athletes on the elite support programme will be listed on the club website and their award published in Red and Black, the club magazine.
12.9 Once awarded, the HHH Elite athlete status will be reviewed on a yearly basis at the March Executive Meeting prior to commencement of the club financial year to confirm or withdraw continuing status. (Honours qualification may well also supersede this club status.)
13.1 Any person wishing to resign as a member of the Club must give notice in writing to that effect to either the General Secretary or the Membership Secretary.
13.2 All resignations must be considered by the Executive Committee for approval or rejection.
13.3 If the Executive Committee approves a member’s resignation, that resignation shall be deemed to take effect from the date upon which written notice of their resignation was given unless there is a discrepancy between the date upon which such notice was given and the date of its receipt by the appropriate officer of the Club.
13.4 In the event of a discrepancy as referred to in rule 13.3 arising, the Executive Committee shall determine the date from which a member’s resignation shall be deemed to take effect.
14.1 The Executive Committee may expel any member whose conduct or character, in its opinion, brings or is likely to bring the Club or the sport into disrepute, or whose conduct renders them unfit to be a member of the Club.
14.2 The Executive Committee may also suspend any member whose conduct or character, in its opinion, brings or is likely to bring the Club or the sport into disrepute, or whose conduct justifies their suspension.
14.3 Any suspension shall take effect immediately and any member suspended must be given written notice of their suspension and the period for which they are suspended by the General Secretary within 7 days of the Executive Committee’s decision to suspend them.
14.4 Before any member is expelled the General Secretary must give them 7 days’ written notice to attend a meeting with representatives of the Executive Committee and must inform them of the complaints made against them.
14.5 No member may be expelled unless:
14.5.1 they are first given the opportunity of appearing before the representatives of the Executive Committee and answering any complaints made against them; and
14.5.2 subsequently, a majority of the Executive Committee present at the next executive meeting votes in favour of their expulsion.
15.1 Any person suspended as a member in accordance with rules 14.1 or 14.2 shall not be eligible to represent the Club or partake in Club activities until the period of their suspension has elapsed or their suspension is lifted by the Executive Committee.
15.2 Any person ceasing to be a member forfeits all rights to, and claim upon, the Club, its property and its funds and they have no right to the return of any part of their subscription and remain liable to pay their annual subscription should it be in arrears as at the date of their resignation or expulsion.
15.3 Any person ceasing to be a member must also return to any member of the Executive Committee any Club property within their possession.
16.1 The management of the Club (except as otherwise provided by these rules) is delegated to an Executive Committee consisting of:
16.1.1 the President
16.1.2 the General Secretary
16.1.3 the Treasurer
16.1.4 the Membership and Subscriptions Secretary
16.1.5 the Men’s Track and Field Secretary/Manager**
16.1.6 the Women’s Track and Field Secretary/Manager**
16.1.7 the Young Athletes’ Track and Field Secretary/Manager**
16.1.8 the Veterans’ Secretary/Manager**
16.1.9 the Men’s Road Running Secretary/Manager**
16.1.10 the Women’s Road Running Secretary/Manager**
16.1.11 the Men’s Cross Country Secretary/Manager**
16.1.12 the Women’s Cross Country Secretary/Manager**
16.1.13 the Young Athletes’ Cross Country Secretary/Manager**
16.1.14 no more than 6 Vice Presidents
16.1.15 no more than 6 other members of the Club elected annually at the AGM (“Committee Members”)
- all Past Presidents elected annually at the AGM
16.1.17 all Life Members elected annually at the AGM
** These club subsections will have one representative on the Club Executive Committee. Where the post of Team Manager and Secretary are divided between members, one of those individuals will be agreed to represent the club at Executive Committees.
16.2 A member may hold one or more of the posts identified in rule 16.1 concurrently.
16.3 Save for those officers identified in rules 16.1.9 to 16.1.13 all members of the Executive Committee must retire at the AGM, but shall be eligible for re-election.
17.1 The President of the Club must be elected by the members at the AGM.
17.2 Only Past Presidents and former or current Vice Presidents shall be eligible for nomination as President.
17.3 The President shall nominally hold office for one year.
18.1 Vice Presidents must be elected by the members at the AGM.
18.2 Only those members who have been a member of the Club for 3 or more consecutive years shall be eligible for nomination as a Vice President.
18.3 Any nomination for Vice President must be sent to the General Secretary at least 21 days before the date of the AGM.
18.4 All nominations for Vice Presidents shall be proposed to the Executive Committee and if such nominations are approved by the Executive Committee, the candidate shall be proposed as a Vice President at the AGM.
19.1. The AGM of the Club shall normally be held in October each year on a date and at a time and venue to be fixed by the Executive Committee and shall:
19.1.1 receive from the Treasurer a report, balance sheet and statement of accounts for the preceding financial year, (finishing March of each year).
19.1.2 elect all those officers and members constituting the Executive Committee identified in rule 16 save for all Cross Country and Road Running sections.
19.1.3 consider any amendments to the Club’s rule proposed which may be submitted to the meeting in the manner prescribed in rule 20.
19.1.4 consider no other business than that of which notice has been given.
Any member who wishes to propose any amendments to the existing Club rules at the AGM must give notice in writing to the General Secretary not less than 21 days before the date of the AGM and notice of the proposed amendments shall be given to all members before that meeting takes place.
21.1 A General Meeting shall normally be convened in February or March each year on a date and at a time and venue to be fixed by the Executive Committee and must elect:
21.1.1 the Men’s Cross Country Secretary
21.1.2 the Women’s Cross Country Secretary
21.1.3 the Young Athletes’ Cross Country Secretary for boys
21.1.4 the Young Athletes’ Cross Country Secretary for girls
21.1.5 the Men’s Cross Country Captain
21.1.6 the Women’s Cross Country Captain
21.1.7 the Men’s Road Running Secretary
21.1.8 the Women’s Road Running Secretary
21.1.9 the Men’s Road Running Captain
21.1.10 the Women’s Road Running Captain
21.2 No other business shall be dealt with at this meeting.
The Executive Committee may call an EGM at any time for any purpose and must do so immediately upon a requisition in writing (stating the purposes for which the meeting is required) from any 15 Club members over the age of 18.
23.1 At least 21 days before the AGM, or any EGM, notice of the time, date and place of the meeting and the business to be transacted at it, must be sent to every member.
23.2 GM agenda additional business for voting may be requested in writing for inclusion to President and General Secretary for consideration for inclusion to GM agenda within 1 week of the initial call for GM. Such revisions, if accepted, will be transmitted to all members as soon as practicable and at least one week before the GM taking place.
23.3 Other urgent unforeseen business beyond the initial week’s notice may be similarly proposed for inclusion to the agenda. If accepted for inclusion the subject will be for information and general discussion to seek member opinions on the subject. No business other than that of which notice has been given may be brought forward at a general meeting for voting.
24.1 At all general meetings of the Club the President, or in their absence a member selected by those members present, shall take the chair.
24.2 Every member present over the age of 15 is entitled to vote upon every motion, and in case of an equality of votes the Chairman may have a second or casting vote.
24.3 In the event that more than 6 members are proposed as Committee members for those posts identified in rule 16.1.15 at the AGM, those 6 members obtaining the highest number of votes of those members present and voting shall be elected to the Executive Committee.
24.4 In the event that more than 6 members are proposed as Vice Presidents at the AGM, the 6 members proposed obtaining the highest number of votes of those members present and voting shall be elected as Vice Presidents to the Executive Committee.
24.5 The quorum at AGMs and EGMs is 6.
25.1 The Executive Committee shall normally meet once in every month.
25.2 The General Secretary may from time to time convene further meetings of the Executive Committee.
25.3 The General Secretary must send notice of each meeting to every Executive Committee member.
25.4 6 executive committee members form a quorum.
25.5 At all meetings of the Executive Committee the President, or in his absence a member selected by those members present, shall take the chair.
25.6 Where appropriate, a vote of those Executive Committee members present may take place.
25.7 In case of any equality of votes the Chairman shall have a casting vote.
25.8 Minutes of proceedings of the Executive Committee must be taken and these minutes may, at the discretion of the Executive Committee, be made available to any member of the Club upon making such a request to the General Secretary.
25.9 Where the minutes of the meetings of the Executive Committee are made available to a member in accordance with rule 25.8, the copies of any minutes provided may be redacted as the Executive Committee considers appropriate.
26.1 In the event of a vacancy on the Executive Committee, the Executive Committee may appoint any member of the Club to fill the vacancy.
26.2 Any member of the Club so appointed shall remain in office until the next AGM or Spring GM, as appropriate to their office.
27.1 The Executive Committee shall, normally at the first Executive Committee meeting following the AGM, appoint members to such Club offices as the Executive Committee may from time to time create or require to be filled.
27.2 Any member shall be eligible to hold the Club offices identified in rule 27.1 and may concurrently hold one or more offices.
28.1 The Executive Committee may from time to time establish such sub committees and may delegate to them those of its powers and duties as it thinks fit.
28.2 Any sub-committee so established must periodically report their proceedings to the Executive Committee for approval and must conduct their business in accordance with the direction of the Executive Committee.
The financial year of the Club ends on 31 March in each year, and the accounts of the Club must be balanced to that day.
30.1 No member may on any pretence or in any manner receive any profit or salary or from the funds or transactions of the Club, except for professional services rendered at the request of the Executive Committee.
30.2 The Club shall normally reimburse any member in respect of all expenses incurred by them in the course of the running of the Club, but the Executive Committee may at its discretion determine that the Club shall not be required to reimburse a member in respect of all or part of such expenditure.
30.3 Save for expenses incurred in the course of running the Club (which is subject to rule 30.2) the Club shall indemnify any member of the Executive Committee in respect of any other legal liability which they may incur in the course of running the Club (but only to the extent of its assets).
31.1 Any member may compete in the Club Track and Field, Cross Country and Road Running championships for age groups in which national rules place them and for which they qualify.
31.2 Members may not win the Club championship in more than one age category with the same performance.
31.3 Only First Claim members are eligible to hold Club records.
31.4 A member may not claim a prize awarded by the Club if their annual subscription is more than 3 months in arrears.
These rules may be added to, repealed or amended only by a resolution passed at any AGM or EGM by a simple majority of those members voting on it.
If at any AGM or EGM a resolution for the dissolution of the Club is passed by a majority of the members present and at any AGM or EGM held not less than 6 weeks later that resolution is confirmed by a resolution passed by a majority of the members present, the Executive Committee must as soon as is reasonably possible proceed to realise the property and assets of the Club, and after the discharge of all liabilities any remaining assets shall be given or transferred to another registered CASC, a registered charity or the sport’s governing body.
34.1 The Executive Committee is the sole authority for the interpretation of these rules.
34.2 Interpretation of all the rules must be consistent with the statutory requirements for CASCs (which means Community Amateur Sports Clubs as first provided for by the Finance Act 2002).
34.3 Where there is any conflict between rules 2, 4.1, 4.2, 5.4, 30.1 and/or 33 (“the Key Rules”) and any other rule or rules, the Key Rule(s) will take priority.
34.4 The decision of the Executive Committee upon any question of interpretation or upon any manner affecting the Club and not provided for by these rules, is final and binding on the members.
The headings to these rules are for ease of reference only and are not to be taken into account in their interpretation.
Latest Update: Approval at AGM 30th October 2019
(Previous updates: 18th September 2017 by EGM; 30th November 2005)