Safeguarding and welfare

Herne Hill Harriers takes the welfare of all its members extremely seriously. The Club has a responsibility to protect children, young people and vulnerable adults participating in athletics from harm, abuse and exploitation and to safeguard their wellbeing. This extends to developing and applying consistent and robust case management procedures to reported safeguarding concerns. 

Our club adopts UK and England Athletics’ Child and Adult Safeguarding Policies and Procedures, all of which can be found at the bottom of this page

Our Club Welfare Officer is Sarah Guest, who is supported by the Safeguarding Group, Anthony Soalla Bell, Penel Cummings and Ian Black.

Welfare and Safeguarding contact details and procedures are outlined below and also in the HHH policy and procedures documents, as well as procedures for reporting any concerns you may have.

To summarise, and should you have any concerns about yourself or another club member:

Report you concern straight away, and where appropriate, to a club coach and/or family member, as well as the club welfare officer.

No concern is too small – don’t ever be too worried to raise a concern or question anything that doesn’t look or feel right.

HHH Safeguarding email address:

HHH Safeguarding mobile number: 07950 840814

The complete safeguarding policies and procedures and how they are implemented can be found below. We ask everyone to read them. 

We also ask that all our members, officials and officers agree to abide by the relevant codes of conduct. By joining our club and/or being involved as an athlete, coach, volunteer, officer or official you are agreeing to follow the Club’s policies and adhere to these codes of conduct