HHH women tackle the best of London at Parliament Hill

We all arrived in good time and as the men’s race was only 45 Minutes later, it was nice to have their support. Everyone went for their warm up and not that I can speak for everyone else, but just the warm up felt like I was running through treacle; not that it was muddy by any means, just that my legs would not move. (Not a good start!). We were all called to the start and held there for, what seemed like forever, but was only about 3 minutes. Bang went the gun and we were off.

Like I said no mud to contend with, just hills and long grass. I wished they had got the Flymo out before hand, would of made the run much more pleasant!! 2 laps and the race were over. When I came out of the pen I could see Big Suze (Sue Swaine) with a slight limp and socks rolled back over her heels, to reveal some lovely juicy blisters! Poor Suze!! A trip to first aid and she was as good as new, but with a slight John Wayne kind of walk. mmm sexy!.

Off we went for our warm down, minus Big Suze (blisters were too painful to Run again), En-route cheering on the men. Back to base for warm clothes, pick up Big Suze and some more cheering at the finish line for the Guys.

First woman home for HHH was Karen Ellison (10th), backed up by Sue Swaine (33rd), Julia Wedmore (51st), Rebecca Barrow (70th) & Sarah Allen (86th). Big thank you to Sonia for her support and entertainment. (She fell down a hole; all we could do is laugh and didn’t even offer poor Sonia any help.) Love you Sonia and thanks for the chip!.

Rebecca Barrow.