Walton’s Surrey Athletics Network U11/U13 Open Championships


There was a fantastic Evening’s performances by some of HHH U11/U13 athletes where the athletes competed against their school age peers, i.e. Year 4,5,6 and 7. An Event put on by the Surrey Athletics Network and very well attended. Such a shame many of our younger athletes missed out on such a well-attended Competitive Event. This is the last time the event will be hosted on this track as they move into a new multi-purpose next year.

There were Silver for George Cooney in the Yr4.Boys 75m in 12.3s and a convincing Gold for Christo Chilton in the Yr5 Boys 600m in 1:51.4.In the Year & U13boys 1500m Ben Harrison won Silver in 5:01.1 Callum Balme Bronze in 5:13.4. Jacob Harrison won Silver in the Year 7 Boys 800m in 2:26.8. Eva Holland won medals in two events including a new 800m PB of 2:35.1. Shanice competed in the 800m as well as running 29.4m for the 200m.

In light of his recent racing schedule Jaden Kennedy competed in the 200m improving his PB by 2 seconds to 26.9 and winning a Silver medal , the gold medal was won by a Walton boy George Suddereck (could be wrong about the surname) in his first race having joined Walton only 3 weeks before. No one could believe their eyes as this kid which I have called “white lightening” scorched around the track in 24.6 for the 200m and 1.5 for the 100m although my 100m time might be slightly out which means he may have run a tad faster. In both cases he jumped to the top of the national rankings. Unbelievable!!!

Hurst Fabian one of our YDL multi–event stars even though still year 6,and suffering with two sore ankles, came away with 3 medals including a Gold in the Year 6  800m in 2:33.0 as well as a Silver in the high Jump and 200m.

James McDonald 21/07/2016