Magnificent 7 Mid-London Division Titles for HHH vets

Our men’s vets track & field team completed a clean sweep of their four divisional matches, making it seven Mid-London titles in a row, at a rain-swept St Mary’s University College.

M50 Tom Conlon led the way, competing in four events. He again brought off a win double in the high and long jumps, with a significant improvement in the long jump. He also ventured back on to the track after a long absence, competing in the 800 and 3000.

There were some excellent individual performances in the field. M45 Des Austin produced his best hammer throw since 2007, and M50Garth Francis his best javelin since 2009. Newcomer Steve Frain (M35) achieved a fine 6.10 as a non-scorer in the long jump, although he unfortunately incurred an injury.

It was a good evening for our sprinters. Bobby Cooper, Pablo Sisca, Kwei Sankofa and Allan Long came away with near maximum points in the 200 races. Later, the 4 x 100 team of Cooper – Sisca – Francis – Sankofa were winners, atoning for our disqualification in the event earlier in the season.

M45 Vic Maughn has been the backbone of our middle distance this season. He was a little disappointed to come third in the 800 but made up for this by winning the 3000. M50 Tony Harran, another ever-present middle distance man, came second in the 3000 B string. Steve Knight dominated the M60 3000.

M60 Derek Prentice’s versatility in throws and high jump was again of great benefit. He was second in the M50 hammer, but the javelin has so far proved frustrating for him this season.

Captain Garry Power planned his flight back from Ireland to be at this match and made it in time to come third in the javelin.

We now have the satisfaction of competing once more in the league final, hoping to make it three wins in a row. The divisional matches themselves have become rather predictable, with almost the same teams competing every season, and this must also be true of most of the other divisions. However, it is hard to see how more variety can be introduced, given the problems that travel to distant venues on weekday evenings would entail.

Dave Wilson.