A joint promotion with our friends from Doss AC, the Leeds University past and present as it is every year, this will be our 36th Annual London Christmas Festive Beer Extravanganza, aka the Christmas Pub Crawl.
Everyone is welcome to come and join in, Dossers, HHH & friends, young and not so young, runners, ex-runners and some who never were. This year we are south of the river, starting close to Kennington underground station and finishing in Vauxhall, with it’s excellent links to head back north or south after a few pints.
Save the date, Monday 21st December, pub number one from 5pm, join in with us as and when you can if you cannot visit them all.
See files attached for Martin’s words of wisdom and Ben’s (yet again) excellent route map.
For those who are allergic to file attachments, the route is as follows;-
Pub 1) 5-7pm Old Red Lion 42 Kennington Park Road SE11 4RS
Pub 2) 7.10-8pm Oaka at the Mansion House 48 Kennington Park Road SE11 4RS
Pub 3) 8.10-9pm The Tommyfield 185 Kennington Lane SE11 4EZ
http:// www.thetommyfield.com/
Pub 4) 9.10-10pm The Pilgrim 247 Kennington Lane SE11 5QU
Pub 5) 10.10-closing Riverside Hamilton House, 5 St George Wharf Vauxhall SW8 2LE
http:// www.riversidelondon.com/
Route devised and tasted by Ian, Waldy, Dave, Geoff and Martin.
“Whoever drinks beer, he is quick to sleep; whoever sleeps long, does not sin; whoever does not sin, enters Heaven! Thus, let us drink beer!”
Martin Luther (1483-1546)
Martin Luther (1483-1546)