HHH Chris on the comeback trail

Herne Hill Harriers’ Chris Busaileh has launched his comeback from injury following several months away from competitive running. Chris was 2nd at the Hercules Wimbledon and Lauriston Open 5, clocking 27.14 on a heavy five mile course at Wimbledon Common and we now hope he can recapture the form that saw him run a 5km personal best of 14.39 last winter, as we seek to defend our status as Surrey men’s cross country league champions.

HHH also claimed two age category victories at the Lauriston Open, with Tony Harran winning the M50 race in 33.08 and Mike Harran the M70 competition in a time of 43.16, an age category course record.

Elsewhere, 40 year old Ben Paviour was 4th at the Serpentine Last Friday 5k in Hyde Park, clocking 15.59. Mohammed Ismail was 8th in 16.46 and Eric Dol 35th in 19.03. Ismail was in fine form less than 24 hours later as he won the Dulwich parkrun in 16.37 – nine seconds faster than his Hyde Park time. Keith Newton, another Herne Hill athlete on the comeback trail, was 4th in 17.58. Keith’s 12-year-old daughter, Ella clocked an impressive 21.20 in the same race, finishing 26th overall and 1st female.

There was further junior success for Harriers at the Wimbledon Common parkrun, with 15-year-old Lascelles Hussey claiming 2nd place in 18.28. Rupert Mainwaring was 19th in 19.53.